Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother or T-Rex?

This is why I should only try to write AFTER the kids have gone to bed.

Kids and writing do not mix. Mild-mannered mom turns into a T-Rex.

I should have thought ahead and asked my husband if my mother's day could have been a writer's retreat in a secluded mountain cabin with a beautiful, peaceful view.... instead of breakfast in bed (which only lasts for about 15 minutes).

Some well-intentioned teacher at my twins' preschool (who does NOT have kids of her own) helped my three year olds to paint ceramic mugs for Mother's Day and plant little petunias in them. Very cute, right?

NOT A GOOD IDEA. I have now officially cleaned up spilled dirt THREE times since they brought them home.

Ah, but I do love my kids. They are the light of my life. I was thinking this morning, what characters they are!

Then it hit me: characters.

Characters = writing.

(Trying to write on Mother's Day = not a good idea)


  1. We've all had our T-Rex mom moments... thanks for the chuckle!

  2. Haha awww this is precious. I'm sure I made my mother many presents that ended up in her having to clean them!!

  3. Hey, kids help keep your dialog on the up and up.

  4. Ha! SO true. Every time I try to write with the kids I get burned. Good thing I'm a night owl! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Ha! I was thinking the same thing. I feel kind of bad, too, that I didn't just focus solely on being mom today. I really need to learn to take a break anyway.

    Love that they gave you painted mugs with petunias, though. Even as messy as that was. I got a beautiful necklace of beads on a ribbon and a paper flower with leaves cut into the shape of my daughter's hands and her school picture in the heart of the flower :) But, I feel kind of bad because I also would probably have liked some more time to work. *sigh

  6. LOL Oh well. I think sometimes we just have to accept that we don't have the time. I, for one, feel so guilty when I can't find the time to write. Thankfully you have your wonderful kids to make up for that!

  7. Thanks for all the nice comments! It's nice to know I'm not the only conflicted mom (or writer) out there.

  8. Hope you had a great Mother's Day, Margo! I don't have kids but I still turn into a T-Rex sometimes.

  9. Trying to write any time they are capable of demanding your attention requires large doses of good humor. :)

    Happy belated Mother's Day! (I asked for, and received, an hour of sneak-off time to write at the Caribou Coffee - the hubs is the best!)

  10. Yeah, I've tried writing when the munchkin is awake and it's always pretty much a dismal failure. And I miss nap time o so much!

  11. Hahaha this made me chuckle :) Hope you find some time away from your real-life characters to write your fictional ones!

  12. LOL. Well, at least you find inspiration in the situation! ;)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. I hear you! On Mother's Day, my husband asked what I wanted to do and I said, "Have two hours alone to write." Though I felt guilty, I wrote. It was great!

  14. Ooooh, a writer's retreat sounds fabulous. Make sure you request that way ahead of time for next year. :)

    Thanks for your support and great thoughts over at my blog.

  15. I will definitely plan ahead for a writer's retreat next Mother's Day -or at the very minimum a couple hours off to go to a coffee house and write (great idea Susan Theresa). It's been so long since I went to a coffee house, I forgot what a great place it is to write. It's not just the coffee, it's the atmosphere

  16. Love Calvin and Hobbs, and I've also had my share of T-Rex days. Funny, they still happen occasionally even though my kids are big. Hmm. You could always ask for that writer's retreat for next Mother's Day:)


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