Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Life is beautiful and hard

Cancer has been haunting my family for a couple years now. My mother-in-law. I'm sitting here wracking my writerly brain for a better title. She is worthy of so much more than "mother-in-law". Right now I am thinking of her as my "hero-mom."

She's receiving hospice care now. 

Since I am struggling with words, I am going to resort to pictures. Art and photography and music are balm when my words fail me. Right now I cannot even find the right music, but I have collected art and photos over the past few years that right now seem to fit. 

This one is pure expression of joy. Love it! and it seems to fit, as my hero-mom's name is Joy. 

And finally I find some words, from an old poem:

True love is a durable fire, in the mind ever burning
Never sick, never old, never dead,
From itself never turning. 

-Sir Walter Raleigh


  1. So sorry to hear of your troubles, this was a beautiful post about your hero mom. Sending you all my best wishes.

  2. So sorry about your hero-mom. Cancer is so devastating. The Raleigh poem you quote here is just perfect. What better way to describe love?

  3. You expressed yourself beautifully, Margo. I'm so sorry you and your family are enduring this heart-wrenching thing. No two situations are ever the same, but I went through something similar with my dad four years ago, and one thing I treasure each and every day are my memories of him.

  4. More and more and more (((hugs))). This year has been tough. Thinking about you!

  5. What a beautiful tribute to your hero mom. Sometimes there are no words and the pictures express your love for her just perfectly. Hugs and prayers for strength for the coming days.

  6. This was beautiful, I'm actually driving down to Florida on Thursday to say goodbye to my mother in law... she has stage 4 lung cancer and its coming to an end. These pictures sayings and your story was sad and uplifting all at once. Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry...


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